Florida’s public and private Universities are home to talented scientists, high-end computing facilities, massive data storage systems, highly specialized research instruments, and high-speed networks.
The Sunshine State Education & Research Computing Alliance (SSERCA) brings together these geographically distributed organizations and resources in such a way that their collective impact is far greater than the sum of their individual parts.
The mission of SSERCA is to further the development of a state-wide computational science infrastructure of advanced scientific computing, communication and education resources by promoting cooperation between Florida’s universities.
On this web site you will find descriptions of projects that SSERCA is currently supporting with funding from the Board of Governor’s New Florida Initiative. In addition, this web site serves as a showcase and clearing house for information related to the hardware and intellectual assets hosted by participating universities.
The searchable database also gives researchers an easy way to locate the resources needed to effectively face the challenges associated with 21st century research.